Monday, August 31, 2009

Is it next Sunday yet?

I think this will be the slowest week I have ever had to endure. It's a little different when you're preparing to go get your little one in a distant land than when all you have to do is throw a few things in a bag and head to Chicago! I would usually have packing and last minute chores to keep me busy, but not this time.

This escorting thing is SUCH a blessing at this season in our lives, but the waiting the last week with nothing to do is a bit difficult! I just got done sorting through Kendi's clothes for the 4th time, pulling out a few summer items I know we won't ever get to put her in, and replacing them with more appropriate fall and winter items that will soon be needed. I think when she comes home, the first few days all I will want to do is dress her up like a doll, It's been so long since I had a baby girl to dress. Of course knowing her, I know she will have NONE of that, as she actually HATES the process of being dresseed!

I keep daydreaming about bathing her for the first time, soaking her all up with lavender chamomille scent. I close my eyes, smell her, and feel her little skinny monkey arms and legs hanging onto me for dear life--ticked off that I'm wearing her in a sling rather than on my back "Ghana style."
I even hear her screaming fits and smile (although I know I won't be when that's actually happening a week from now)! I love this child. I love this child. I have loved her since the day I first set eyes on her first sad little picture after she came to Eban House. Her big brown eyes, pouty lips, and oh-so-perfect bald head. That was almost a year ago now. I never knew she could ACTUALLY be mine. That was such a distant hope, for "after" life had settled down. I guess the Lord had different plans for a different time. I guess He knows that our life will probably never settle down. There is never an "after" is there? Only a now. How did I get so blessed to call this child daughter? She has been loved by so many during her stay at Eban House (adoptive parents and Ghana staff alike). But I'm the lucky one that gets to hug and kiss her goodnight for the rest of her life (if she'll let me). Kendi Mabel Anadene Gillispie, "I love you forever. I like you for always. As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."


Ericka 2:46 PM  

I can never make it through that book without bawling!!!!!
Let the countdown BEGIN!!!!!

whenpigsfly 4:48 PM  

My post teen aged boys can't make it through that book without bawling!! I CERTAINLY can not. What a great life-- story!
I am ansty for you over your new daughter Anita. Naomi keeps rarranging Daniel's clothes and we don't even have any idea when hes' coming home yet. She may wear them out before he gets to wear them. A lovingly "jealous" as a friend can be,

Zimmerman family 12:02 PM  

I am SO excited for you guys!! Auntie Hilda would love to come to her party. I so wish we lived closer to you. You will have to give her love from me.

Grateful 1:36 PM  

4 more days...i right here counting down with you. I'm sad i don't get to meet her on our trip, but wouldn't want you to be without her one more day. I will have to meet the famous Miss K.M. at a reunion.
Praying your time preparing is sweet and QUICK! tami

whenpigsfly 2:51 PM  

I keep popping in to your blog just to look at the photo of you and Kendi! I woke up this morning praying for this weekend's travels for her and for you!