Saturday, January 06, 2007

By The Numbers

Hi Friends,

I've known since we decided to adopt from Ethiopia that we would need to do adoption fundraising for the first time. In the past we've been blessed by a family member that loaned us the money--but not for Bright or our Ethiopia baby's adoptions. We're on our own (with the Lord) this time. It's exhilirating and terrifying at the same time! Anyway, today I added up what I think are pretty close to the actual costs for everything still needed to complete both of our adoptions. Wow--we need a LOT of money still! It seems impossible (on paper) that we're going to be able to raise/save this much money in the next year, but I have seen the Lord provide over and over again for other adoptive families. Now I'm praying we will be one of "those" adoptive families who can share a huge testimony when it's all over! =-)

My husband would probably die if he knew I were about to post the specifics, but I guess that's what he gets for not reading my blog (ever!)! LOL! ;-) Here is the rundown of all of our adoption expenses yet to come:


Flights: $4500 (estimating $2000 for my mom and I and $400 for Bright's baby fare)
Lodging: $240 ($40 per night, 6 nights)
Food: $180 ($20 per day, 9 days including transit)
Visa Medical: $100
US Visa: $380

TOTAL: $5400 (needed in next 6 months--hopefully!)


Application: $200 (paid!)
Agency Fee: $1800 (to be paid in around 4 months)
Homestudy Update: $350 (we'll be over a year since approval so addendum won't do)
Dossier Preparation: $200
International Mailing: $200 (estimation)
Re-Apply with CIS: $685 (our approval expires this November)
Ethiopia Fee: $6500 (first 1/2 due in around 10 months, second half before homecoming)
Escort: $2200 (we pray I can travel, but escort will be less expensive)

TOTAL: $12,315

So that brings our grand total of needed funds up to around $17,500. Wow. I took the first step tonight by applying to work with Kingdom Kids. Hopefully they will accept our applications AND our family and friends will be responsive. It's hard to give up control (or the illusion thereof) and ask for help. It's new for us and it's humbling. But it's what we've got to do at this point. Please pray with us that the Lord will provide all that is needed to bring just two more children out of orphanages and into our home.



Anonymous 3:40 PM  

If you travel to Ethopia here's an inexpensive lodging contact
I'm waiting too

Anonymous 4:10 PM  

Kingdom Kids is great! We're working with them, too.

Unknown 6:02 PM  

Thank you "anonymous"! I've marked that into my favorites for when the time is right! BTW, I have read your blog and actually "stole" your Ethiopia Clock from it! LOL!

Happy waiting!

Anonymous 8:42 PM  

Kingdom Kids is really great! We raised half of the first half of our Liberian Adoption fee for them, despite not getting that great of a response. And we're praying that we're one of theose adoptive family's that experiences miracles as well, cause we're nowhere near where we need to be to bring our kids home. :-)