Sunday, February 11, 2007

Small blessings that aren't so small...

You know, there are still some people out there that question whether "internet friendships" are "real" friendships. I found out several years ago that they are. =-)

Throughout the last year I have been blessed to make several really precious friends who have supported our efforts to adopt from Africa. I just want to share how these seemingly "small" tokens of support have really blessed me.

First, my dear friend Chanda made me a bracelet last fall and sent it to me in the mail (total surprise). She called it the "My heart is in Ghana" bracelet. It is beautiful, in colors of the Ghanaian flag with a heart in the center. It came to me at a time when I was very discouraged about the lack of progress in Bright's adoption. She had no idea how it would touch me, but the Lord had it planned perfectly to give me encouragement just when I needed it. Thank you Chanda.

Then, my close friend Sarah sent me a surprise gift at Christmastime! She made me a beautiful necklace that has a framed picture of Bright as the pendant. On the backside it says "I Love You Bright" in the Ashanti language, with the Ghanaian flag as the background. That necklace came at a time when I was sad not to have had Bright with us for the holidays. It was even a day or two late for Christmas, but it came on THE day that I was most discouraged. The Lord had all of the details worked out and once again a "small" blessing by my friend was really a big blessing to me. Thank you Sarah.

Finally, just this last week my new friend Gala (sorry Gala--I can't find your blog address to link your blog right now!) wrote to me saying that she was at a Land's End outlet store and saw some pants that make her think of Bright. What?! It's amazing that my little Bright could have already touched a heart so much that she would think of him. It also shows what a very caring person Gala is. =-) Gala went back to the store the next day and bought 3 new pairs of pants for Bright! Not only is this a blessing because we need clothes for him, but also because once again last week was a "bad" week (worrying about the meeting that took place on Thursday). I certainly wasn't feeling very secure in our adoption and wouldn't have been out buying clothes for Bright last week--but the Lord put it on someone else's heart to do just that. Another small blessing that was big to me. Thank you Gala.

I could go on and on. Certainly it's not about "stuff" and I have been blessed over and over by so many of you out there who send words of encouragement to me, and say prayers for the success of Bright's adoption. I just wanted to take a moment today to say thank you.

P.S. The meeting happened, but that's pretty much all I know. No details. Not sure whether or not our paperwork has been submitted to Social Welfare even though the director will have had the paperwork for 1 month tomororw. =-(


Story of our Life 10:08 PM  

:) Anita dear!! What a shock to see the pants on your blog. I was hoping for some sort of update...even though it was the weekend. Just never know. hehehe.

Don't worry about my blog address...I've not updated it in a while.

Take Care!! Love

Anonymous 7:59 PM  

Aww...Thanks Anita! I am so glad that you are getting encouragement at just the time when you need it most. If my little bracelet brightened your day - then it was the least I could do!

Jeremy and Kamina Johnson 9:51 AM  

I found your blog today while crusing the web. My husband and I are starting the adoption process with Liberia. Your site will be an inspiration to us! Thanks!