Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Current Events

Thought I'd take a minute away from the travel journal posts and share a few things that are currently going on with the family.

First of all, for the first time EVER my sweet Taevy hasn't regressed in her attachment after me being away!!! Yea God!!! I am so used to a major breakdown and lots of "mommy punishment" after I get home from a trip that I don't know what to do with this child! LOL! This is a major breakthrough for Taevy. It makes me hope that we are finally (after 6 years) moving away from "anxious attachment" and towards the gold standard "firm attachment!"

Also, after posting about Bright's brothers someone I know who volunteered at Eugemot last summer realized that Bright's 4 and 7 year old brothers were at Eugemot when she was there! She just sent me around 20 pictures of Wise and Steven! What family treasures these photos will be!!!! And maybe they will aide in finding a family for these sweet-looking boys. It was surreal to look into their faces and see so many shadows of Bright. Just the resemblance gives me a love and a burden for these boys. I pray I am able to help them find a family soon.

Day 4 at home after the trip and I think the jet lag has pretty much left me. I hate jet lag! I used to think it was something fictional but it definitely isn't.



Bingaling 10:57 PM  

Yay Taevy! So glad she didn't have a meltdown this time...I know the dread of that happening makes it so much harder for you to leave...