Monday, May 03, 2010

Hair Evolution: Comb Coils into (tiny) Bantu Knots

Believe it or not, these Bantu/Zulu knots are actually tons bigger than they were a few months ago. The hair continues to grow little by little. Last night I decided to do bantu knots in the back and little comb coils in the front. Wasn't sure how the comb coils would stay in but they are still pretty perfect a day later! We've added coconut oil to the hair regimen and I love it. She smells heavenly and it really helps to seal in the moisture in her hair.


Renee 7:08 AM  

She's so beautiful!

whenpigsfly 1:56 PM  

WOW!! I didn't get that creative but I sure had fun with barrettes and lots of baretted twists when Kendi was here. GREAT JOB Anita!!!