Mother's Day Followup...
I really didn't mean to imply that I don't have feelings of softness or gratitude towards my children's birth mothers. I do (well....three out of four). In my kids' stories dads have played a bigger role, and I definitely have warm fuzzies for my kids' bio dads. ;-) On Father's Day I'll probably write a gushy post about how thankful I am to them--because I am! For two of my kids, their dads made all the difference!
Anyway, on to the lighter side of Mother's Day!
I actually had a really good weekend. My parents came down to spend the weekend with us, which is always so special. All of the girls (plus Bright) got up on Saturday morning and went to the Farmer's Market. So fun! I suppose I shouldn't admit it was our first time, but it was. It felt good to buy fresh eggs and grass-fed beef and lettuce that was picked the day before! The feeling of knowing where my food came from is a good feeling. Knowing my money went directly to the person who grew my food is a good feeling. And it was a gorgeous day! And as we were leaving one grower gave us free strawberries "just because!" [I know, I'm way too excited about the Farmer's Market.]
After the market we knew the guys wouldn't be expecting us back yet, and we were driving through the prettiest part of town. There are some really gorgeous older homes from Tulsa's oil boom days. We decided to go garage-saleing in this "dream" neighborhood. Double-bonus fun because we could "ooh" and "ahhh" at the houses while we drove from sale to sale. There was no agenda. No specific items to watch for. Isn't that when you have the most fun?
I ended up finding some lovely hand embroidered hankies (which will be put to good use during my next trip to Ghana for sweat!), a hand-sewn smocked prairie dress for Kendi, a book I wanted, and two pretty shawls. My mom was very happy when she found old "French Festival Chairs" that she can display in her garden. [I don't know the story, but they were brought over from France, and they were worn and lovely.]
My best find of the day was definitely the two Ghanaian dolls I found! Come to find out, the woman running the sale used to make them and sell them for $48 a piece "back in the day." They were so perfect--one boy and one girl. The seller was an elderly black woman. When she saw my kids she asked if they were foster kids (we get that a lot these days). I told her no, they were mine. Then she shared that she just retired from DHS after many years working in the foster/adoption program. She actually placed the first black child with a white family in our area! [Would you believe it was in the 90s and not before?!?!] Anyway, this woman was just precious--one of those meetings you know the Lord set up. We exchanged contact information. Who knows?
After our garage-saleing we went to eat Mexican food. YUM. Then it was off to celebrate cousin Ryder's first birthday. Ryder is a STRAPPING young man at 28 pounds! Kendi's got some catching up to do! LOL!
Finally home, we snuggled in to watch Avatar. I'm not sure what I expected, but that movie was not what I expected. It was so good! I just wish they didn't have to include all of the cussing. At least tone down the cussing! I mean, really! Would it have really changed the tone that much if someone would have said D*mn instead of G-D*mn? But anyway, even despite the language I REALLY REALLY liked the movie.
It was a lovely weekend. I am blessed.
P.S. With a mostly blind non-driving hubby it's sort of hard for him to finagle Mother's Day gifts. So I chose this lovely pink peace lily plant as my "gift" from the kids. =-) I also got some very valuable kid coupons. I'm most excited about "500 free foot rubs"! Taevy can give an awesome foot rub!
Ghana dolls from a garage sale? Amazing!!!
Laurel :)
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