Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ghan-America! Yikes!

Go USA! Go Ghana! What shall we do on Saturday when the US plays Ghana in the World Cup?! ACH! Go TEAMS GO!


frogglet 7:44 PM  

Oh no the conflict :0) I bet no matter what you will have fun.

Anonymous 8:32 PM  

I soooo want an African team to win! But feel I should support the US too. Let's just pray for a good game!

waitingarms 6:23 PM  

Too funny - when I heard about the match up - I immediately thought of you!

Amy 10:05 PM  

What could me more American than routing for the underdog! That's all I'm gonna say!

Oh and GO GHANA! The USA is my home and I love it, but boy we have a lot of success and I think this win would mean a lot more to Ghana than it would to the US, so I guess you know who I am cheering for! :)


Robin Dodd Photography 6:47 PM  

I cannot wait! We are on our way to the beach in AL. I hope we get there in time to watch!