Kendi Update
Hi all. We're heading to the hospital. Kendi's fever has not broken since about midnight last night. It's not getting below 103 with giving fever reducer every two hours. She vomited meds this morning. No appetite. She is drinking water. On call physician at Ark Children's thought it was probably time to take her to the ER but said we should speak to our local Ped first. Local on call PED said forget the ER--they are admitting her for a day at St. Francis Children's Hospital. We're waiting for room number and such right now. Local Ped highly suspects recurrent malaria.
It was a long night with very little sleep because of a flailing and super hot 3 year old in my bed. Will probably be a longer day, but at least we don't have to wait for hours in the ER.
Please continue to pray for my baby, and please also remember my family at home. It sort of messes things up with the mom and the taxi service are not available!
Praying for you!
Abby Riggs is in the hospital with a very high fever as well ... so am praying for my OK friends today.
Laurel :)
Praying for you this morning, Anita. May Kendi beat this and find her spunk again!
--The Ketarkus Family
Oh my friend! How scary. I'm praying hard for you and Kendi!
I'm praying. Keep us updated ok?
Praying for Kendi! Praying for energy for you all too!! Glad she will be at the hospital where she can get just what she needs to feel better fast!
So sorry she is sick and we're praying too! Love you Anita!
Hope Kendi is feeling much better and the doctors were able to get some answers.
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