Reader Question: What happened to Eban House?
Eban House was the children's home that AAI started in 2007, when we started to help with adoptions in Ghana. In April 20010, after much thought and prayer, Eban House closed its doors. While we had an NGO license, Social Welfare in Ghana made it clear that they would not be issuing Eban House an orphanage license. We had been working since 2007 toward that effect, and had met ALL requirements set forth by Ghana's government. In the end, Social Welfare did not want an adoption agency running an orphanage. We could have kept running the home without a license, but are dedicated to running a program completely within the law.
I miss Eban House. AAI families miss Eban House. And the kids we served there are now going with less because it is closed. We cannot replicate the standard of care we had at Eban House for the children now being adopted through our program. But, Ghana has the power to decide who is allowed to run a children's home. =-(
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