Wednesday, July 13, 2011

That I May Know Him

Shonni over at "Nations Around Our Table" was inspired to write this the other night. Seriously inspired--woke up at 3am with the words on her heart. I am so thankful that she got out of bed in obedience and wrote these words down, as they spoke so deeply into my heart yesterday. I am sure I will come back to this writing many more times in my life. So much truth in these words....

I SEE my sin and weaknesses,

but I KNOW that He is faithful to forgive my sins - I John 1:9.

I SEE pain and hurt in the ones I love,

but I KNOW that He sees us, has compassion on us, and heals us - Matthew 14:14.

I FEEL fear,

but I KNOW that He encourages me to not be afraid, for the battle is not mine, but His - 2 Chronicles 20:15.

I FEEL so far from the LORD some times,

but I KNOW that by the blood of Christ I am brought near to Him - Ephesians 2:13

I SEE our problems,

but I KNOW that the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus as we take our anxieties to Him in prayer and thanksgiving - Philippians 4:6-7.

I SEE evil,

but I KNOW that God is good and His steadfast love endures forever, so I give thanks - 1 Chronicles 16:34.

I SEE disasters that take away,

but I KNOW that as we call upon Him in our day of trouble, He will deliver us and we shall glorify Him - Psalm 50:15.

I FEEL the weight of burdens,

but I KNOW that I can cast my burdens on the LORD and He will sustain me - Psalm 55:22.

I FEEL defeated many times,

But I KNOW, thanks be to God, that He gives me the victory through my Lord Jesus Christ - I Corinthians 15:57.

I SEE death,

but I KNOW that we who believe will pass from death to life - Eternal Life - John 5:24.

Philippians 3:10 starts with this “That I may Know Him...”

I believe that the things that we are feeling and seeing today can lead to two paths;


-or the chance to KNOW the LORD more.

What ever you might be seeing or feeling today, look at it as a God ordained opportunity to KNOW Him more.