Monday, March 20, 2006


Today is a day for praising the Lord!!!!
  • First....Several of my friends who have been in a holding pattern for travel to Liberia have received their travel dates and are anxiously awaiting the day of their departure!
  • Second...Several new children were made available for adoption by WACSN today. Beautiful children! Children I will feel so priviledged to pray for!! It has been quite a while since new children were made available (I suppose do to the fact that no adoptions were taking place so there was no room at the orphanage to take in new children). Needless to say, it is cause for celebration that more children now have the opportunity for a forever family!
  • Third...News was sent today that WACSN will now be able to process immigration paperwork in Liberia that previously had to be processed by adoptive parents in person. What this means is that instead of a 2 week stay in Liberia, the stay in Liberia will now be only 2-4 days!
  • Last but not least...Eric feels quite drawn to one of the little boys that WACSN sent out as available for adoption. He is a sweet-looking little guy that fits our 2-4 year old age range. Please pray for discernment as Eric seeks the Lord's will for this little boy and our family. Even if Eric decided that we should pursue him, it doesn't mean that we would "get" him.