Monday, November 13, 2006

A long distance hug?

On Saturday I went to Toys R Us with my mom to do a bit of Christmas shopping.  At one point, as I was standing there in a toy-induced daze the most darling little toddler boy came over, raised his hands high and said, "Hug."  I bent down, not daring to take my eyes off of his gorgeous chocolate-colored face, and held out my arms to cuddle his cute pudgy body for just a moment.  He gave the BEST hug!  I looked around to see who he "belonged" to only to see that dad wasn't far off.  I told his dad how much his son's hug brightened my day and asked how old he is.  "He just turned 2 years old today, and he has always likes to share his love with others."
For some reason that little boy's hug really affected me.  I know that he wasn't Bright, but it was such a random thing to happen that I can't help but to wonder if God send me that little boy's hug just as a reminder that Bright is a real little person in Ghana.  And I will get to touch and hug him everyday at some point in the future.  I so look forward to that day!
Well, the package of applications and goodies for Bright has been sent to Lois and should arrive tomorrow morning.  By the time Lois leaves Ghana our adoption will be back in the hands of the government of Ghana--for better or worse.  We'll be back into "no timeline" fun (enter sarcasm here).  But for this next week I only want to focus on all of the good things that are happening.  Someone I know will be giving our baby hugs and kisses and delivering love from mom and dad in America.  Pictures will be taken.  Paperwork will be filled out and handed in.  Our adoption is going to start!!!!!!!!!