Sunday, November 19, 2006

Quiet Weekend

Well, it was a quiet weekend around here.  I didn't know what Lois' plan was as far as when she is going to be in Accra and when she is going to be in Ho Hoe, but a friend said that she was scheduled to stay in Accra for the weekend, spending time with the kids who are being adopted there.  So presumably Lois got to spend lots of great time with Brody Emmanuel, Felix, and Maud!  I know their adoptive parents are waiting on pins and needles, hoping for word very soon.
Since Lois was in Accra this weekend I'm hopeful that we'll hear something about how things are going in Ho Hoe in the next 2-3 days!  I hope she gets to spend some really good time with the kiddos who have been referred for adoption there (Bright, Daniel, and Deidre), as well as with all of the older sweeties who I'm praying will find adoptive families in the near future!  Deidre's mom and I are both hoping/praying that Lois can also give us news of our second referrals.  Deidre's mom is waiting for a girl 1-3 and we are waiting for girl or boy newborn to 4.  So many fun and exciting things to think about this week!!!
Praying that we have some new information from Ghana to be thankful for on Thanksgiving day this year!