Is our adoption in jeopardy?
I have a TON of faith in Edward, who is LVI's employee in Ghana. Actually, to me Edward is the BEST thing about LVI!! I adore him. =-) He is kind and compassionate, knowledgeable and strong. I hope to be lifelong friends with him. He is an excellent role model for Bright. We LVI families are very fortunate to have Edward working on our behalf. Without him I really don't know where we would be. Now...if he would just send me a new picture of my boy! LOL!
Actually, I shouldn't even begin to complain about pictures. I have a friend who will be going to Ghana within the next couple of weeks that plans to spend a LOT of time at Eugemot! He has even promised to take some video! Of course I'll load him down with a list of questions a mile long and be grateful for any answers he's able to get. It will be great to have someone I trust set eyes on my baby boy so close to when he will (hopefully) be coming home (we all keep "feeling" April in our family). Maybe I'll have a good idea of what size clothes he will wear before we go!
Speaking of size...another friend who saw Bright recently sent a tiny tidbit that made my day. My friend said, "Bright is doing very well. He is becoming a big boy now." Great! Now....what does that mean???? "Big?" Big in size or big in development (as in he's starting to walk and such)? Can't wait to find out!
Ahhhh...sigh....writing therapy. It's been a very long past 24 hours. My adrenalin just hasn't stopped pumping yet--fight or flight mode I suppose. I got about 2 hours of sleep between 4 and 6 am and that's it. Tried to take a nap today, but I couldn't. I'm sick of being on the computer but can't seem to pull myself away either. At any rate, writing is so good. Being able to share with you all about my precious son literally puts a smile on my face. =-)
P.S. You might have guessed that the pic is of Edward. This is NOT the best picture (he's even more handsome in person!) but it's the only one I got of him while I was in Ghana because he's so darn humble! LOL!
So how hard would it be to set up some competion for Lois?? It sounds as if she needs it and deserves. Her behavior sounds like Cheryl Schott's of AFAA....
It shouldn't be long now. =-)
Anita ~ I'm glad that your adoption is not in jeopardy.
Anita - I am so darned excited for you to get Bright home. This will all be soo worth it. I am really happy that you are starting a Ghana group on yahoo.
And, what do you mean by "it shouldn't be long now..." Are you thinking of starting your own adoption agency? If so, I give it the thumbs up, way up.
Stop by and visit sometime!
Lord no I'm not starting an adoption agency! LOL! =-) I used to work for one and THAT was hard enough! I just meant that I *know* of agencies who are either in the process of setting up Ghana programs or who are interested in setting up Ghana programs in the very near future. Now...if someone asked me to help families adopt from Ghana and work for them in that capacity I would be tempted...but then I'd have to unsubscribe from my only Ghana group! LOL!
Hi there friend,
I just wanted to say once again in case I haven't said it lately... I adore you. Your honesty is a breath of fresh air!
Love you.
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