Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The joys of anxious-attachment!

Hi all,

Sorry to be quiet. Things have been good, but hectic, as we try to figure out a new schedule for our family. Everything has changed! LOL! We have me working from home for AAI...both older kids out of school for the summer...a baby who is still trying to find his schedule...and a daddy who is trying to fit 4 dialysis treatments a day in there somewhere!

Every day has been different so far, but I think this is the schedule that works best:

5:45: Eric gets up, takes shower.

6:00: The rest of us get up, I help Eric with dialysis treatment.

7:15: Take Eric to work.

8:00: Back home, breakfast time

10:00: Bright is ready for a morning nap.

12:00: Wake Bright from nap, pack up kids and dialysis supplies, pack up picnic lunch, and head to Eric's work for noon dialysis treatment.

2:00: Back home

3:00: Bright back down for afternoon nap.

4:15: Back to Eric's work to pick him up.

4:30: Any errands we have to do

5:30: Another dialysis treatment while I make dinner.

9:00: Target (summer) bedtime for the kiddos

10:00: Another dialysis treatment.

11:00: To bed (unless I'm working)

The part that's not in there is my work! It's being fit in here and there while Bright is sleeping or everybody is outside playing. Sometimes I bring Bright up to the office so that he can play while I work but that usually ends with him just sitting on Mommy's lap! LOL!

His transition continues to go very well. He's learning not to hit (finally--that was driving me crazy!) and he's getting closer to his daddy every day. He is adding new words all of the time. He now says mama, dada, grandma, grandpa, eyes, hi, and bye! He is still extremely focused on me all of the time. He is scared to fall asleep without me touching him, and usually wakes up as soon as I let him go. Last night it took 3 hours to get him to sleep! The sleep thing is classic anxious attachment. He loves me. He wants me to be his mommy. Just not sure I'm not going to leave him for days or weeks everytime I get out of his site. Makes perfect sense considering that I did just that to him more than once in the last 3 months! It's actually a great place to be. Took our daughter Taevy years to REACH anxious attachment! Now she has finally worked through her attachment issues and I've got a new kiddo in that stage. I have a sneaking suspicion that Bright will be moving on quickly though. =-)

Guess that's it for now. Gotta go help Eric weigh his last exchange for the night.




Anonymous 6:18 AM  

Wow, you're busy! Continuing to pray for your adjustment!

Chatter 3:02 PM  

Thanks for the update!! Love the new pic; he's such a doll!! Good luck with everything :)