Thursday, February 28, 2008

Down and Out

**Update: Yep, it's the actual doctor-diagnosed flu. The flu STINKS. I don't ever remember feeling this sick (except for throw up stuff). Just praying that we can make it to church on Sunday. I've missed church the last several weeks, which reminds me I need to post about our awesome new church....later....when I'm more lucid. =-)

I would appreciate your prayers. It seems that I've gone from jet lag to the flu that is now an "epedimic" in Oklahoma. I don't remember feeling this sick for a long time. It's really hard to function and taking care of Bright is super hard. Also, I so long to go to church this Sunday--I don't want to be sick!



Bingaling 2:48 PM  

Praying Anita!!
I hope you feel better soon!

Dawn 9:53 PM  

Feel better soon Anita!

Sue 1:41 PM  


I know what you're feeling. I have been sick for 10 days, and I'm now starting to feel better, but I have a lingering cough. Hope you can make it to church! Bring some cough drops if you go.
