Sunday, April 26, 2009

Samren's Vietnam

Today at church Samren and I did a very short "talk" on Vietnam. Our church regularly does a country highlight. Samren was *SO* excited all week because he saw this as HIS day at church. He had this whole little speech worked out--all the things he was going to say about HIS country.
I got up there and stuttered through my part and then handed the microphone to Sammy. He was all cute in his new Ao Dai, standing on a chair so everybody could see him. =-) But he got shy all of the sudden and totally shut down except to say, "In my country we have special trees called Palm trees!" LOL!
After that, the pastor and Samren held the Vietnam flag and the pastor prayed over Vietnam. Then Samren and the pastor went to hang the Vietnam flag amongst the other flags.
It was a sweet moment, and I'm sure it will be a sweet memory for Samren. I'm so thankful to be in a church where diversity isn't just accepted, but encouraged and sought out!


Salzwedel Family 8:27 PM  

Oh my gosh - he is too cute! What a great thing to do at church.

Unknown 9:46 PM  

What a wonderful day for your whole family! He looks adorable in his traditional outfit!

Amy 2:09 PM  

He looks sooooooo cute! What a special thing for him, and for the congregation, to experience. Why can't we have a church like that here???
