Friday Night Follies
We usually try to do something fun and family oriented on Friday night. But it's been raining for days. And MY alternative ("Let's go to Target!") was not what Eric was in the mood for. So by the time we got out of Target I had a grumpy husband. And it was raining.
What do we want to eat? Too late to make something at home, plus it's Friday night. Eric's ideal was to go and get this BBQ Baked Potato. The one he wants to get every time we go out to eat. The one I'm sick of! And he was gripy in Target. So no potatoes! We're both gripy by this point.
The problem with eating out right now is that there are things that still sound really good, but then we feel guilty (or grossed out) by eating there. We decided to try something new. Some mom and pop joint. Drive and drive. Finally we come upon Claud's. Claud's has a very extensive menu. They have hamburgers AND french fries! LOL! So we settled for the classic greasy hamburger and french fries. I am SURE that a month ago I would have scarfed it down. The fries were good. But I almost can't get over what all is in my beef when I eat a hamburger now! AND I LIKE HAMBURGERS! [Incidentally, I have a friend who likes different kinds of meats but sometimes she hears the sound that the animal makes, and then cannot eat the meat in front of her. Like, if the chicken "clucks" in her heard, no chicken for her. B, I can relate now!] Anyway, dinner was a flop. I'm up right now at 5:45 in the morning because my stomach is still a mess from dinner!
We finally broke down and set up a plan with NetFlix. With our Wii we can download movies instantly. But not many--or at least not ones we all wanted to see as a family. I started looking on Family Favorites and what to my eyes do appear? THE NEVER ENDING STORY! Am I the only 30-something that just adored this movie as a child? I thought it was the BEST movie EVER! I built it up and we started the movie. Thirty minutes in I'm thinking, "THIS was my favorite movie ever?!" But once you are able to go back in time to 1984 special effects and get into the meat of the movie, you start to remember why you liked it in the first place. Awesome message. Read books! Become the book! By the end my kids all said they liked it and Kendi said, "Watch it again mommy!" We didn't.
The other old movie (can't believe I just called something made in the 80's old) we've been talking about is Ghostbusters. Recently, that song has become our kids' favorite song to dance to. We looked on Netflix and found that the first one wasn't available for instant download through the Wii. Bummer. But the first one was also rated PG before there was the rating of PG-13, so maybe that was a good thing! We turned on Ghostbuster's 2.
It is the funniest thing to watch Samren watch a "scary" movie. [This movie is NOT scary--it's funny, with a few scary looking ghosts.] Samren puts a blanket over his head for most of the movie and peeks out when he thinks it's safe. He will not leave the room. He doesn't want to miss the movie. He WANTS to see it but he's too much of a scaredy cat to watch it! After the movie was over Taevy said that was the best "horror" movie she ever watched. I told her it was the only "horror" she had ever watched (horror comedy is the appropriate genre thank you very much)! Bright was with Samren on the "scawy" factor. Kendi said, "Let watch again Mommy! Again!"
By this time it was after midnight. The kids were just freaked out enough (or wanted to play it that way) to talk us into allowing a sleepover in our room. I woke up to use the restroom about an hour ago and just had to take a few pics. There are 4 kids and a big dog sleeping at the foot of my bed, in all sorts of disarray! There are kids on the dog pillows and a dog on a people pillow. There are two kids laying on the hard floor, one with their legs under my bed. It was like walking a mine field trying to get to the bathroom! LOL!

But...after a gripy trip to Target, and a dinner that left us all feeling pukey, and two old mediocre movies, it's the picture of having them all at the foot of my bed that will leave the memory of another good Friday night, despite our less than special plans. Oh...and it's still raining.
Don't know if you have them in Oklahoma, but our favorite restaurants are: Chipotle, First Watch, and Tropical Smoothie.
What a blessing! I love the picture of them all zonked out! and the family dog! precious! Oh and I too loved Neverending Story my kids and I have watched it many times.
I LOVED the Neverending Story (ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ahhhhh)! Falcor was da bomb! :) Met a dog that looked just like Falcor once. Loved him immediately too. ;)
sounds like it turned out ok. The Neverending Story is still my favorite movie!
Mom I loved that movie!And remeber the part with the dragon dog thing and kendi said it looked like Layla!
Love the pics! Too funny!
Laurel :)
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