Saturday, June 26, 2010

Go Black Stars!

Kendi and Bright munching and watching the game.
Taevy and Kendi with their "Ghana colors" headbands.

Wearing our Ghana best!

You can take the child out of Ghana, but you can't take Ghana out of the child!

Practicing, "Goal!"
We chose some "Ghana-ish" snacks for the party. Mango, banana, watermelon, Orange Fanta (of course!) marshmallows? ;-)
We've got all of the Ghana colors represented in our snack!

In the end, we decided to go for the Ghana Black Stars in today's World Cup game. We figure America has enough good stuff, and America will forget about this win within a few days. We aren't a "soccer" nation. We're rooting for Ghana and Africa today! How exciting it was when Ghana scored in the first few minutes! I even captured it on video!!! At this righting the game is tied. Who will win?!?!


whenpigsfly 2:35 PM  

I was thinking about your family as I started to watch the game. LOVE your photos! Gideon is not so thrilled that some of us are cheering for Ghana, but like you said, America is notreally a "soccer nation" and they/we will forget a win very quickly... except that Gideon remembered that Ghana did beat us 4 years ago ...

FullPlateMom 3:48 PM  

I rooted for the U.S. But, as you can see from my blog, we have children from Ghana who were VERY excited to see Ghana get this far. They deserved the win. I'm happy to see my kid's homeland come out on top for once in their eyes. We used it as a teaching moment about how not EVERYTHING in America is better.


Laurel 4:54 PM  

Love the Ghana snacks. We, too, were rooting for Ghana today.

:) :) :)