Do you know an Angel in Adoption?
I can think of SEVERAL angels within our little Ghana community! Now is the time to nominate your angel! FPM, you're my angel this year.
I can think of SEVERAL angels within our little Ghana community! Now is the time to nominate your angel! FPM, you're my angel this year.
Posted by A. Gillispie at 2:34 PM
I read this once, then I tried to comment, but then I had to leave, I came back and did the same thing like two more times. Then I had to call my husband in to read it, I cried, then I had to check the link two or three times to be sure you meant me. I lost a lot of friends on my Ghanaian journey this year. I can't tell you what this means to me.
With all you've been through this year, with Ghana and at home, and all you've done for all the families you work with (even some that you didn't "officially" work with, i.e...ME), you really are the angel.
I remember when you called me in Ghana. I had a 102 degree fever, no voice and I had been told that my kids might never get here. You reassured me that no matter what, we would find a place for them even if it couldn't be with me. Without that conversation, I think I might have given up right there. My kids are here, in large part, because you told me not to give up.
I know you do that for everyone you work with. You deserve this WAY more. But, I'm so honored you thought of me.
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