Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hello from Freeport, Illinois!

Eric told a buddy at work that he was headed to Freeport for a mini-vacation. The guy was from Illinois and said, "Why?!" as if there is nothing of interest in Freeport. Little did that guy know that there's LOTS in Freeport! For one thing, about 60 of our closest Ghana-adoption friends!!!

Actually, even beyond all of the new and old friends that are celebrating Ghana adoption with us this weekend, Freeport seems like a lovely town. The weather is gorgeous (at around 80 degrees), and for a small town they have lots of family-oriented fun stuff to do. Today we spent the morning and afternoon at Krape Park. I feel like we just experienced the edge of what the park has to offer. We could easily spend a whole other day doing the activities available (mini-golf, paddle boats, canoes, fishing, hiking, carousel, etc.)!

It started POURING down rain here at about 2:00. It was a rain of Ghanaian proportions!!!! Needless to say, we moved the group to a local church gym to do the drumming circle. It was so fun to sit around in a huge circle playing together. Everybody had an instrument or scarf. The little ones had fun dancing around the center. Good memory, for sure.

I have a confession to make. It's really hard for me to get out and go to these types of social functions. Social anxiety gets the best of me a lot. As a result, we've never gone to a culture camp. We haven't done lots of post-adoption play groups and such. But this has REALLY been fun. It's more like a family reunion than hanging out with strangers. These children unify us all. I am really looking forward to taking part in more of these types of activities, not just for the Ghanaian kiddos, but for Taevy and Samren too.

Well, the fam is passed out around me and we're supposed to be heading out for pizza and swimming. I better get off and start shaking them to wake up!

P.S. Forgot the camera cord at home. Great picture to come!


Chris and Danielle 5:16 PM  

Danny was so heartbroken about leaving that I *almost* turned around and came back. He called his Grandma on the way home to tell her about his new friend. In the car he said, "Kendi, Kendi, Kendi. I just can't stop thinking about her! She's so gorgeous and fun." It made me smile. Sounds like you'll have to get in touch with us if you're ever back this way again. :D

Story of our Life 6:29 PM  

Oh I wish I could get there to see you. We are only an hour and half away. My cousin was just in a very bad accident there last weekend.

:) enjoy your time.

frogglet 7:50 PM  

Wow sounds like so much fun! I am glad you are all having such a great time can't wait to see some pictures.

A. Gillispie 1:14 AM  

Danielle, that is so precious!!! I'm telling you, Danny totall stole my heart today! Of course all of your kids are just so cute I could sop 'em up with a biscuit! Wish you would have been able to stay longer. Yes--now that the connection has been made our K and D need to stay in touch. Future romance perhaps?! ;-)

Oh Gala, so sorry about your cousin's accident! This has been an ideal location. Maybe you'll have to come on down for the next event?!

Cora, trustfully, next year Kwizera will be home and in your arms. We'll just adopt ya'll in the Ghana community since there aren't many Burundi families yet!

Ericka 6:19 AM  

Welcome to our 'neck of the woods" :)