Totally humbled, huge blessing!
The other day I posted about THIS table and how I was daydreaming of using this in our homeschool. It was a fun daydream, and I was seriously thinking about saving our pennies for this luxury item. However, before I had time to save my pennies a wonderful woman who happens to read this blog, and happens to be a Ghana mommy too, said she would like to bless our family with the table! What?! Who does that?! Well, "M" does that, that's who!
Let me tell you, it was not a wisp of a thought in my mind that I would post about this table and then someone would offer to bless us with it. I don't ever want anybody to think my mind works that way! At the same time, someone told me once (when I was being too proud to accept a blessing from someone else) "Don't ever take away someone else's blessing! If someone feels led to bless you, then you are horrible to take the giving of that blessing away from them!" That caught in my mind. Now, if someone offers to mow our lawn because they see we struggle to keep up on it, or offers to pick up Eric from work so that all of us don't have to go pick him up...well...I just say thank you and God bless you!
It's a little harder to just say "Thanks and God bless!" when someone offers to bless us with something like this table. It's not a NEED. Our dining room table suits our needs. It was a whimsical luxury. I felt so humbled by the gesture....
The next day we found out that shipping was going to be almost double the cost of the actual table!! Oh well, I said. It IS the thought that counts. But "M" said "Don't give up yet!" She had some tricks up her sleeve. We left to spend the weekend with my parents, not knowing whether this blessing was going to be possible after all.
I got home tonight and was shocked at the update. This fellow mom, whom I have never met in "real" life, got her family involved. Long story short--our "blessing" table will be purchased in Arizona and will travel cross-country with "M's" parents, who will drop it off to us here in Oklahoma, on their way to Kentucky! This will be sometime in September.
"M" asked me if we could wait until September. Can we wait?! We would have never gotten the table on our own anyway (or not for a long time) so OF COURSE we can wait!
What amazing people are out there. The financial end of it is one thing, but it's really the hearts involved that keep me in awe. "M" and her family are doing something so nice for someone they don't even know in person. Just because. Totally humbled, hugely blessed!
What a great story! I used to really discount these little blessings... but isn't this how God shows us that he hears our desires (even if not needs)? And how he shows us how we can be USED to bring happiness? Love it. I am not very good at just saying "thank you and God bless" either... but working on it. Now that I see how powerful it is for the giver and receiver... "M" is a pretty cool lady! :)
Yea for you being blessed! May they continue, as you bless so many around you!
How cool! What a blessing!
Before I read to the end, I was trying to figure out how to bring one to you. We are headed out this week on a 5 week Road Trip, and we'll be in your "neighborhood". But ... traveling cross country with 6 of my kids ... we are packed pretty tight. Glad you got it worked out.
:) :) :)
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