Friday, December 02, 2011

We Wish You...

The little ones did their Homeschool Choir performance Friday afternoon. Here they are with some of their cute little buddies!
They sang such classics as Six Little Ducklings, and Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.
Here's Bright rockin' out to "Bow Wow Wow."
Don't Kendi's lips look so lovely as she sings? She looks like she's really concentrating while she sings Itsy Bitsy Spider!

Here are the kids with their great teacher, Miss Danielle.

I actually quite prefer the type of performance the kids did, rather than the over-produced Christmas play that some choirs would have tried to do with these sweet preschoolers. This was more of an "Informance." The kids showed what they learned this semester--loud and soft, fast and slow. THAT is what they SHOULD be doing at this age, not worrying about missing their lines!

And now, I present to you, the Tulsa Homeschool Choir preschoolers singing We Wish You a Merry Christmas and Jingle Bells! =-)