Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Walking by Faith--Efua's Family

Several weeks ago I posted on AAI's facebook page about a little baby girl in Ghana that was in need of an adoptive family. She is under one year old (very rare for Ghana adoption). She has microcephaly, cerebral palsy, and at the time we thought she was blind and deaf. That's a lot of things going on with one tiny baby girl. I posted, and I waited. And waited. Not one family inquired about her.

A few days went by without any inquiries and I posted again with an update. Medicals revealed that she did have at least SOME hearing and sight. PRAISE GOD!!! I posted. I asked others to share--to spread the word. One very big-name adoption advocate even shared. Over a thousand people read about her and saw her gorgeous eyes. [That is a very conservative estimate.] Nobody inquired. Nobody.

Where is Efua's family?

In the meantime the Green family was in the middle of adopting two boys from Ghana. They are an experienced adoptive family. Little did I know that they were praying about adding baby girl Efua to their family. They have a large family, and they aren't the youngest chicks in the barn, and they are already adopting two other children. It's a lot. There are a LOT of reasons to say no. But that's not what God told them. At one point I think they even tried to tell God no, but they really couldn't do it. They aren't good at stuff like that. Before long, they called me to tell me they were fairly certain that they were supposed to adopt this baby girl--despite any misgivings the world may have with it. They are baby Efua's parents.

They stepped out in faith.

People use this term--"stepping out in faith"--all the time. I think we over-use it. But this family is really doing it. They have FAITH that Efua will live a meaningful life in their family. They have FAITH that they will be given the tools they need to parent 3 newly adopted children at once while still meeting the needs of their other children. They have FAITH that the Lord will put it on the hearts of others to donate towards Efua's adoption fees.

This family needs $7500 to pay for Efua's adoption fees. This is a child who cannot afford to wait. Every month she stays in Ghana is a month she loses in early intervention therapies. Let's be real. It's a month she could potentially die from lack of medical care.

The Green family recently sent out a letter to family and friends, telling of their need for assistance with fees. They have received only one donation. One. This family who has stepped up for a child that nobody else wants...nobody else even INQUIRED about...they need help to make this a reality. THEY stepped out for a child that nobody else would step out for. Now, can WE (you, and I, and anybody you send this to) spare a few bucks to help them reach $7,500 to save this child's life?

Save a life.

Yes. Literally. This child's life hangs in the balance. Efua will die in Ghana. Without the Green family I don't know that she would ever find another adoptive family. She will NOT live long in Ghana. She needs to get out of there ASAP. And money is standing in the way.

If you are willing to assist the Greens with even $10, you can CLICK HERE to make a tax deductible donation to Efua's FIG account through Project Hopeful. Over 1000 people saw this child's face and said "not me." Let us not say it again. Now she has a family. Now our part in this is much easier. I don't know about you, but I'm heading over to the link above to say, "Count me in."


Janel 9:32 PM  

WOW! Praise God for this family!

Candy 10:17 PM  

Just donated! What a great family!

Molly Courcelle 6:33 AM  

Anita...this post was so inspiring! The verse that we have been using to strengthen us through this adoption process has been 2 Corinthians 5:7..."for it is by faith we walk and not by sight." I remember seeing the post of this precious child and wondering if the Lord had her in mind for our family. Obviously He had other great plans for her! How special for them all...what a blessing!