Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Only Good Things...

Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible withGod."Luke 18:27

Oh how this verse spoke to me this morning! It's so funny how when I really need to hear from Him, the Lord gets His message through to me! I get "daily verses" through email and this was today's verse. Yes indeed--what is impossible with men is possible with God! After what happened with Taevy's adoption we should never question that. [Taevy's adoption was processed without the knowledge of anybody in Cambodia, during a moratorium! Our facilitator hadn't turned in her paperwork and the Prime Minister had sworn that he would NOT sign adoption paperwork. And yet, somehow an adoption decree was issued!]

So I will believe in the Lord. He can give us our baby boy. And if for some reason that is not to be, He will bring me peace and contentment, knowing that His plan is THE plan I want for my life!

Good news! KENDI JULIET HAS A BIRTHDAY! LOL! We only knew that she was 3 years old before, but we have now been told that her birthdate is 5.25.03. So she is a "young three" just as I had guessed! If we feel that her birthdate is wrong once she's home we might do a bone scan test just to make sure that her written age is agreeing with her biological age. I have a friend who brought home an "on paper" 2.5 year old that actually had a bone scan test revealing that he was over 5 years. So this July 1st they celebrated his 5 year birthday rather than his 3 year birthday!

Finally, it looks as if our agency director will be traveling to Ghana the second week in August. I'm so envious! I'd love to go! LOL! But it will feel good to know that she has seen Kendi Juliet in person--can't wait to hear what she says about her! In the mean time, she has asked the attorney in Ghana to keep his eyes out for adoptable infants. I am *SO* praying that we know who our baby boy is by the time Lois gets back from Ghana.

Love, Anita
