Saturday, December 16, 2006

CHSFS, Wide Horizons, and Illien

Anita , If I may ask why not CHFS for their Ethiopian program, they have a list
of waiting children and some with grants. I know that you do your homework on
agencies so I just wanted to ask. I am also trying to get my homestudy agency to
approve me for two children in to seperate african countries. They denied me
based on the space of my home but I will continue to fight unless they show me
proof through the state that three kids can not sleep in the same room. I will
say a prayer tonight for both our situations.

Tiffany, I can't find your email to reply directly so I hope a blog post is alright! =-)

The answer is simple. I didn't delve further into CHSFS and Wide Horizons because their fee schedule is listed on their website and I knew those two programs were outside of our budget. I've heard nothing but good about these two programs though! I have no idea about Illien's adoption program but over the years I've heard so many questionable things about that agency that it wasn't an option for us from the getgo (no matter what their fees are).

Tiffany, I'm sorry about the situation with your homestudy. That is just wrong! If we end up with 3 boys and 1 girl all of our boys will be in the same bedroom and our SW has absolutely no problem with that. I know every state can be so different though. I'll remember your situation in my prayers.




Hi there. Have you tried All God's Children International. They have a new Ethiopia program and they are a fabulous agency (we are using them now) check them

jennifer, MI

Unknown 8:43 AM  

Thanks Jennifer. I checked them out and asked for an info packet. Didn't know about them before! One concern I have (beyond the fees) is that they may not work with us because of my hubby's health (Diabetic with low vision and kidney issues) so we'll see!