Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Scoop on Alexis...

Well, it doesn't look as though we are going to be chosen for Alexis. I'm kind of down about that, but am at peace with it too. The lady at Spence-Chapin said she really liked our family and wants to keep us in mind for future children, but the birth mother of Alexis has requested Alexis' new family is a New York (or at least East Coast) family that has first hand experience with Neurofibromatosis. That is a pretty tall order, but I hope that they are able to find her a family very, very soon. The birth mom wants an open adoption (including visits) which is why the location is important.
Alexis was not meant to be for us, but I hope to post within a day or so about another path I hope we are able to take. Just have to get Eric on board with the financies! =-)
