Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Savings Update--January 2007

I've decided that each month I'm going to write an update on how our saving/fundraising for the adoptions is going. I don't know if I've mentioned this, but my husband has become an "affiliate" for several companies that sell from the internet. Basically, he brings traffic to a company's website, and when someone buys something after clicking one of Eric's links, he gets a small portion of the sale (2-6%). After spending money to advertise he usually breaks even or comes in up to a few hundred dollars ahead. But November and December are BIG months--and that is why we've been able to save so much in the last month! On to the report:

Bright's GOAL: $5,400

Ethiopia GOAL: $12,315

TOTAL GOAL: $17,715

December Savings:

$1000 (refund from Life's Vision)

January Savings:

$1000 (Eric's side business)

$ 400 (sale of my personal early childhood instruments to conservatory)

$ 40 (extra babysitting money)

$ 50 (usually pay more for car than is needed, paid $50 less this month)