Yesterday Paul sent me three new photos of Bright along with his new lab report. The bad news is that he's still anemic. The good news is that everything is holding steady. He's not getting better but he's no worse either. His numbers are almost identical to his 3-14 lab report. This is interesting because the doctors (in Ghana, NOT our Pediatrician here) just knew that after a month on the "anemia tonic" (B12, folic acid, and iron) that his numbers would be normal. In contrast our Pediatrician here feels like Bright has some type of anemia that won't correct on it's own and will be a life-long sort of condition. I'm not overly concerned. Actually I'm really thankful he's on the "anemia tonic" because if his numbers held steady WITH it I wonder if they would have dropped significantly without it?
Come home baby boy.
P.S. In case you're wondering, the gorgeous girl holding Bright is Marta. She is going on 14 and is determined to come to America, train as a doctor, and then go back to Ghana to help her people. =-)
Anita - I love reading about your trip! Praying Bright is home with you very soon! Hugs,
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