Life Goes On
Taevy (6.5 years) lost her first tooth today! I never thought this would be a big deal to me as a parent but I find myself being much more emotional about it than I anticipated. My baby! She has lots her first tooth. And the one next to it is already loose.
She complained how much it was bothering her so I had her sit on my lap. Then I pulled out a length of dental floss and tied it around her tooth. Then I asked her what she wanted me to count to. Ten. Great. One...two...three...four...five...SIXseveneightnineten! If I would have waited until 10 she would have backed out! LOL! She didn't realized what had happened until I showed her the tooth. It was ready to come out--didn't even bleed. Of coures then she had to brush it so that it is clean for the tooth fairly.;-)
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