This says it all!!!!
Also had a successful trip to the embassy today. Got Part I of the visa packet. Not sure why they make you split it into two seperate trips here, but whatever. Go to turn in Part I on Wednesday and then they will give me Part II. Part II contains the Visa Medical so we'll do that on Wednesday and then turn in everything on Thursday. Then we wait for a final visa interview.
Guess that's about it. Feeling better--"just" like a cold today rather than something else. Bright had a major blow out diarrhea on us last night in the hotel lobby and then again in the hotel room. All while I only had 2 diapers left! But he's doing fine today.
Adjustment is going great. I don't think he thinks I am THE Mommy, but he is totally accepting me as A mommy. No tears whatsoever. No fear. Nothing. Just me and a happy baby! Yes, I am blessed. =-)
Well, I better go. This is my first time at the internet with Bright (only acceptable since this is the hotel business center and not a public cafe). Let's just say he's a bit restless and I don't care to tell you how many time I had to turn off CAPS LOCK while I was typing this message! LOL!
P.S. Sent more pics to the family last night. Sister Nichole should be loading some of them on the blog soon.
What a fantastic photo of Bright with his prized, and very much sought-after passport!
Congrats Anita!!
Hoping the visa paperwork and interview go well!
Yeah Anita and Bright! Let's get you home by May 31st or sooner!!
Smiles and Blessings,
jen in MI
Hi Anita,
I know you don't know me, but I've been following your blog for some time now and I just HAVE to say CONGRATS!!!!!!!
I almost started crying when I saw the picture!!!!!
So happy here in Illinois for you and your family.
Let's hope the rest of the paperwork stuff goes REALLY fast!!!
Congratulations! Praying that everything else will get done too.
God is so good!
HOORAY!! What great news!!! Hope the US embassy is quick and efficient and you both can come home very very soon!
I'm so excited for you :-) YIPPY!
Anita I am so happy for you and Bright. I will keep prayers for you that he will travel home with you this time and meet papa and the sibs. Take care of yourself.
OMGosh Anita I'm SOOOO HAPPY for you. I came home from work today not very happy, had a not very good day. And this just made my day complete!!
Your baby boy is going to come home. Meet his Big Sis and Big Brother and DADDY!! What a great feeling for everyone!
Love, Gala
YAY Bright and Gillispie fam!
What an insanely wonderful bit of news for yoday!
Congrats and come home soon!
I am so excited!! I can't tell you how great it was to click on your blog and to see Bright's sweet face nibbling on his passport!
Can't wait for more updates!!
I am so happy for you all!!
AWESOME ANITA!!! So many have prayed so hard for this! Hoping to hear that little guy is on the plane HOME with you very soon!
Wahoo! Congratulations. So what comes next? Do you know for sure know that he'll be able to come home with you? I hope that's the case - will be watching excitedly for more updates!
I am so happy for you Anita!!!
Great news Anita,
I hope we follow not long after you !! All the best with the interview...
Daddy D
Praying that the rest goes smoothly!
Love you.
Yeah Anita!! I've been keeping up and soooo glad to hear you got the passport!! So happy to hear the good news. Hope you get to travel home soon!! Blessings,
Chandra in Missouri
One more thing...
he is so CUTE!!! Have fun cuddling and lovin the little guy!v
I am so thrilled for you and Bright!
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