Time..is..tickin' away!
Another eventful day here in the Gillispie household. First, have you ever seen how many medical supplies are delivered each month for a home peritoneal dialysis patient? Behold!
Okay...the day...
Today was a good day. It was one of those busy days that you actually feel like you got things accomplished (as opposed to the busy days where you feel like NOTHING was accomplished)!
First and foremost, I got word from the consulate that they DO have our file! It isn't lost and doesn't need to be resent! Praise God! They were misspelling our name wrong. Isn't it neat how God fixes things in ways you would have never thought about?
Other than that...
1. Took care of AAI/job stuff.
2. Chopped off my hair! Well...someone else chopped it off. I think this will be much better in Ghana. My criteria? Short enough that it's not on my neck; short enough that when the wind from car windows is blowing in my face my hair won't reach my nose; and layers so that when the humidity kinks my hair up it might look kind of cute.
3. Made my ritual "before the trip" trip to Target. Spent more money that I should have, but less than I have on previous trips! Found my favorite repellent/sun screen (OFF Active)--yea! They stuff I had last time wasn't good.
4. Found the MOST appropriate outfit for Bright to wear either on the way home or on the day he gets his visa. Check it out!
5. Collected appropriate paperwork for the trip; notarized the I-864 and two Power of Attorneys for two different people (just in case...).
6. Started on the humongo pile of laundry that must be done before I leave.
Okay, so my list doesn't seem so impressive when I see it written down. =-) Tomorrow I've got to get all of the money for the trip, collect the computer that's being donated to AAI, repack the computer so that it doesn't look like a computer (!), go for 3 hours of dialysis training, do more laundry, and pack!
Eric and I have decided that we are going to claim this trip as Bright's pick up trip. We're going to believe that it's going to happen. We're going to have faith that the Lord will work out the last two big hurdles in bringing Bright home (passport, and NO field investigation). We're going to prepare our hearts and minds for the homecoming of our son in a few weeks.
Thank you for believing with us!
Wow, you accomplished TONS!!
Praying for you, and hoping you can update us now and then!
Good luck, fingers crossed.Bright will look great in those clothes.
I will think of you in the same way - that this IS your pick-up trip for Bright. I think you are due and I'd love to start seeing pics of that cutie from the US finally! Good luck and keep the blogging world updated!
I can't wait to see Bright in that outfit HOW ADORABLE!!!!
Go get him Mama =)
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