Soccer Mom? Me?
Yep! You betcha! Who knew it could be so fun?!
My mom wasn't a soccer mom. Neither Eric nor I ever played soccer growing up. So this whole soccer thing with Taevy and Samren has been an introduction to us on many levels. First, we're learning a bit about the sport (I know what a "break away" is now!) and second, we're learning about the "culture" of being parents of young soccer players in Tulsa.
It's so fun! First we get to dress our kids up in way-too-big shorts (basketball shorts because the entire city is out of soccer shorts), shin guards and cleats. Then we get to watch their tiny little bodies run onto a great big field to play the game. We get to watch them run, and run, and run....and fall and fall and fall...and every once in a while they might kick the ball. If we're REALLY lucky they might even kick it in the right direction! We get to cheer on our little "Leopards" and not really care who wins the game (as long as it's semi-close). We get to high-five our little athletes on breaks and after the game we get to make a "victory" tunnel with parents from both sides for our victors to walk through.
Autumn days...fresh air...good-natured fun. I'm sold!
Pictures from today. Leopards vs. Tigers
Pre-game pep talk with Coach McCoy (Taevy thinks he is the BEST)!
Gillispie kids take the field!
#2 Samren Gillispie, set to kick off for the Leopards. Don't you love the shorts? XS--size 6x. At one point one of the players on the other team thought Samren's shorts were falling down so he stopped in the middle of the field to hike Samren's shorts up on his hips only to find out they already were on his hips! LOL!
#55 Taevy Gillispie, set to kick off!
Mmm....water break.
Go 2, go!
Shake it off 2, shake it off! (Samren must have fallen 15 times.)
Good job, Leopards! Way to remember which goal you were going for! Much better than last week!
Post game snacks and drink make all of the boo-boos go away. Taevy said, "Mom, I like that lady in the black and white striped outfit. I get all excited when she says '2 minutes' because I know snacks are coming soon!"
Loving life in Tulsa,
Super cute! I love I love Taevy's comment at the end. :)
Kerri and Ruby
I think my kids play soccer just for the snacks! LOL!
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