Taevy's (and AAI's) Christmas Project
A note from our 7 year old daughter Taevy:
"Dear Blog Friends,
Did you know that in Ghana there are kids that might not get any Christmas presents? I just found out. So this year I asked my mommy and daddy to get me only like 5 presents so that they can spend the rest of their money to get the kids in Ghana some presents. I don't really need all of the stuff I have, so I also filled up three boxes with toys that my mommy can take to the kids when she goes to Ghana next year. And I'm going to ask Ms. Pilgrim if my class at school can collect money for Ghana kids' Christmas gifts.
My mommy works for an adoption agency that runs a place called Eban House in Ghana. Mommy talks to the kids on the phone and I get to hear their voices too. The kids are my friends now. I've seen pictures of the kids and of Eban House. And I see that the kids don't have too many things. They would really like to have some toys of their own--and a new set of clothes. There will be around 20 kids there at Christmas.
I'm doing everything I can to get presents for the kids, but Mommy told me that I might need help from blog friends. Please help my Ghana friends, okay? Even only $1 can buy something for them."
Donations have been very slow to come in for the Ghana Christmas project. We have a projected goal of $660. This would provide each child with a special toy and a brand new traditional Ghanaian outfit. The money would also provide for a house-wide Christmas party and a gift of thanks for each of our 16 staff members.
Lots of us with 3 or more kids might spend $660 just for our immediate family in the US to receive Christmas gifts from us. In Ghana that amount will make Christmas extra special for almost 40 people.
I feel totally cheap if I donate less than $20 to a fundraiser. But the reality is that there is power in numbers and a few bucks DOES help. So don't let yourself feel cheap if you can't donate $20 but can donate $3, okay?
Please consider heading on over to Adoption Advocates Donation Page and donate what you can. I think there is a $10 minimum on the website, but you can send a check for any amount to the office at 709 S. Peabody, Port Angeles, WA 98362. Just note that the donation is for Ghana.
Taevy thanks you, as do I.
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