Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's 1:07am on Sunday morning

AND WE HAVE ELECTRICITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How's that for a quick answered prayer? I am so psyched to get to MY house tomorrow and start the cleanup process. Yee-haw! There's no place like home...there's no place like home....



Kristin 2:25 AM  

Yeah! So glad that you have power again. I guess I just assumed that you got it back a couple of days ago- this must have been a hard week, but it sounds like you made the best of it! I am very happy for you and now you can get some rest knowing that you can wake up to electricity!

veggiemom 8:10 AM  

So happy for you.
We got ours back yesterday around 5pm after being out since Monday afternoon. What a mess!
Kerri and Ruby

Bingaling 8:21 AM  

So glad your house has power again! I don't envy all that cleaning up you have to do, but I am sure you are looking forward to just being home!