Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Just because he's so cute

Just because Brighto is so cute I took random short videos of him today. Showing off his body parts...showing off his brand new jump skills...and enjoying his current favorite song (before it even ends he's signing "Jesus" so that I'll start it again!).

Oh--do you wonder why I call him Brighto sometimes? In Ghana it's like a pet form of his name. They called him Brighto, Brightzo, or Brightu (depending on which tribe). It kind of stuck.


Instantly Mama 1:03 PM  

Awwwww! He's a cutie! We need to get Bright and Jayden together so they can play. They would have a blast!

PJ Academy 3:47 PM  

Anita - just wanted to sya the ADoptive Families came today and I saw Samren's pic!!!! Awwww=)
