Thursday, June 19, 2008

Who Will Love her?

Who will love her? This lovable child, who has received so little during her 12 years of life?

Who will love her? This child fully orphaned at a young age by the AIDS pandemic.

Who will love her? This child "orphaned" again so many other times by family, then good Samaritans, and finally orphaned by orphanages themselves?

Who will love her? This child whose growth has been stunted by a lack of love and attention throughout her years?

Who will love her? This child whose life will likely be shortened because of a disease that runs through her veins because treatment was not available to her early enough in life.

Who will love her, even though she may not ever win academic awards?

Who will love her, even though her eyes may go blind?

Who will love her, even though she may require much care?

I know you are out there. I know you exist. You are a family who wants to allow "E" to know what family is, even though she may not be able to grow old and have children of her own some day. You are a family who wants to make "E's" remaining years the best years of her life. You are a family that wants her to "see" what true love is, even if she only sees with her heart and not with her eyes. You are a family who loves her despite her earthly limitations. You see her for the perfect being she will be in heaven, and the amazing child God created here on earth.

Dear family, if you read me. I want to introduce you to your daughter. She waits for you in Ghana.



Heather 4:03 PM  

You know me... Always Room For One More... but let us transition with our new 4 first! Thanks, Anita, for advocating for her. She will be in our prayers!!! And we did get the multiple entry visa...

Heather 7:30 PM  

Sometimes your words break my heart Anita. There are so many stories, just like this little girl, all over the world. But when you have a face, when you know the story, how can you not hope beyond hope, that THIS child finds a home. That someone will love THIS child. You are a wonderful advocate for children, and I'm thankful that there are people like you in the world that make it their jobs, their lives, to care.

Amy 8:10 PM  

Heather A. said it so well... May your words find the right family for her. I will pray for this little lady. :)


Unknown 3:56 PM  

Dear Anita
This little girl really touched me.
She is about my daughters age.
Please tell me more about her so I can pray for her.