Monday, October 27, 2008

Best Buds

Sometimes it is challenging to have kids that are close in age. But most of the time I love it. I love knowing that my children are truly best friends.
I didn't really hide that I was not looking forward to over 3 weeks of "Fall Break" with all three kids home. I felt bad about that, but with my work I worried that I wouldn't be able to get anything done during the day. The truth is, I haven't worked quite as much, and I haven't cared. My kids have been such a joy. I feel bad that I didn't look forward to them being home with me. I forget that they are actually more well-behaved when they spend their days with me. Makes me miss homeschooling them.

These crisp fall days they have played school for hours on end; built a "house" with the swingset; made fall crafts; made memories. They have "sleep over" every night without fail. They run and hold hands. Truly, best friends.

When I see them like this I think of them as 2 and 3 year olds, running around the same way. I miss those days sometimes, but I wouldn't trade right now for the world.


Laurel 9:58 PM  

We had our first 6 children in 6 years ... and they are all young adults now. And ... they truly are best of friends. It's WONDERFUL!

Blessings to you and your family!

Laurel :)

Kimchi Photography 12:38 PM  

I'm a huge fan of kids all close in age. Our oldest 2 are only 22 mos apart and the youngest 2 are only 11 mos apart. They LOVE each other, can't wait to spend time together, and truly are best friends. It is obvious why God brought all of them together in our family. :)