Because I don't want to think about anything serious....
I haven't posted an update on Kilo (aka Kiki) lately. She's about 4 months old now and weighs about 35 pounds. She never did have problems potty training (total of three accidents). We are just very thankful for her. Here she is in her "rest station." She loves her basket of toys, blanket, and pillow!

Having both a puppy and kitten is interesting. I wouldn't say they are best buds, but they do enjoy picking on each other. Our cat pretty much thinks she is a dog and enjoys running ahead of kiki to capture the ball when I throw it. She has also recently taken to sleeping on Kiki's bed. I swear this cat just does things because she knows it will bug the dog! Today Kilo paid her back by putting her butt right in the cat's face as she lay on her pillow!
She is CUTE!
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