Thursday, December 18, 2008


Okay, I have officially hit "that" point in the Christmas season. You know the one...where you just break down for a little bit because there is still so much to do and so little time to do it! I wish I could say that I am one of those people who always has it together and keeps things simple. Nope. If I'm leaving on Friday at noon, that means on Thursday at noon there are still 5 loads of laundry to do, 17 gifts to wrap (exaggerating, but you get the idea), 2 things to bake/make, packing for 5 people, putting together the church mugs (we give mugs to visitors), going to Target 3 times for 2 items in ONE day, and getting a cold/sore throat. Yuck.

There was a moment tonight when we sat down to make 12 mugs up for church and I realized the cellophane bags I got to wrap them in were actually huge "basket bags." I cried. It's cold and rainy and foggy! It's times like that when I wish my husband could just hop in the car, run to the store, and get something we need. I know he wishes that too. But he can't. And I had a BIG 'ol pity party about it! Back to Target we went, to find the right cellophane bags. I bought 100 of them just so I won't have to do that again any time soon! LOL!

By the time the mugs were all made up I could breath without feeling like I would cry again. Life seemed more "doable." Just 2 more loads of laundry to go, packing for 5 people, and cleaning before we leave.

If I really feel bad I just think about my mom. Right now she is sitting at her house wrapping gifts for 23 people, and each person probably has about 10 gifts (if I know my mom). She is SERIOUSLY pulling an all-nighter tonight so that her gifts will be wrapped by Christmas Eve (which is tomorrow if you are of the Wichita Beden clan). She is cooking like 9 dishes for our {Beden} Christmas Day brunch. She's hanging 12 stockings and sorting who gets what. If my mom had eight hands 2 would be baking, 2 wrapping gifts, 1 talking to a child or grandchild on the phone, 1 patting her hubby on the back, 1 wiping down the kitchen counters, and the last hand would be putting in a Christmas CD so she could hum while she works!

Now, after writing about my mom's next few days my day seems simply blissful!


Mia's Mommy 11:58 PM  

I at that place too. And the scary thing is...I haven't even started shopping yet and it's one week away! yikes!

Laurel 12:33 AM  

Enjoy your Christmas at your Mom's!

Laurel :)

Allison 8:10 AM  

Hi Anita. Just wanted to say hello on your page. Not trying to be a "blog stalker" LOL but happened upon your blog when looking for people who've adopted from Ghana! :)