Tuesday, December 08, 2009

I love my agency...


Not "my agency"--the one I work for. But "my agency", the one I chose to adopt my 4th child through. "My agency", who provided me with 1 adoption (out of 4) that I have no ethical questions or concerns about. "My agency", who took me from the edge of believing international adoptions couldn't be done ethically, back to a place where I believe they CAN be done--with hard work and sacrifice on the part of those in country, those working for the agency, and those adopting through the agency.

Thank you Adoption Advocates International.


Jodie 12:59 PM  

Here Here! (is that how you spell that?). I second your statement. After having post adoption questions and concerns about our first adoption, I know in my heart that our second adoption through AAI was ethical and honest the whole way through. I am so gratful of their work they do in the country to keep children with their birth families and build schools. Its the agencies whose business plan is to put themselves out of business that are there for the "right" reasons.