Saturday, May 15, 2010

I need b-day "cake" ideas!

I need birthday "cake" ideas! Kendi turns 3 years old on June 5th (hard to believe!). When Bright turned three we did this very cute but SUPER easy sunflower cake. Just a chocolate cake with twinkies around it. I'd like to do something similar for Kendi's birthday. We're just having a very informal family party at my mom's house. I don't want to do anything that takes much time, but I want it to be a bit unusual. Kendi isn't really that into cake, so we're open to ideas that aren't actually cake.
My mom had the idea to "build your own ice cream sandwich sundaes." That might be fun! But I think I would want to "ice" them with whipped cream and re-freeze them pre-party. Then they will look prettier when everybody piles on the various toppings.

Here are a few ideas I found online today.

Popcorn cake! It's basically like a rice crispy treat, with candy and nuts mixed in. Kendi LOVES popcorn and nuts, and this would be super easy and different.


Sunflower cupcakes. Cute, right? An oreo on top of a cupcake, with yellow icing. We're not really icing fans, so I'm thinking maybe we could use some sort of yellow candy instead???


The classic "ice cream cone" cupcake! Kendi LOVES ice cream. The only thing is I think I would use whipped cream or actually ice cream at the top, because again, we aren't icing/frosting fans around here.

OR...I think the cupcakes on the left are super cute and would be easy to put together. Kendi LOVES suckers, and the flowers are appropriate for a June birthday. Just not sure where I'd find the green leaves??


What ideas do you have?! Help me out here!


Bingaling 7:50 PM  

Check out
She's got some really fun ideas there. I especially love her "cake pops" (you can find them on the top left of her page under "pops & bites".

Gina 11:08 PM  

You can smush green gumdrops for the leaves of the flowers, or possibly find green fruit roll ups and cut out leaf shapes. What about an ice cream cake frosted with green whip cream and decorated with the sucker flowers?

Anonymous 8:55 AM  

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Tricia 10:08 AM  

I am surprised you aren't making ladybug cupcakes.

the H family 3:18 PM  

What about a "dirt" cake made with crushed Oreos and pudding. Plant some silk flowers or flower suckers in it, and sprinkle a few ladybugs around for good measure?

Robin 7:50 PM  

I have an insanely easy icecream cake receipe if your interested. Let me know!
Robin (COTP)

whenpigsfly 9:13 PM  

YOu can get green Spearmint flavored gum drops which are i nthe shape of leaves for those lollipop cupcakes. LOTS of fun ideas you have out there . any of them would be super cute!!!