Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Independance Day!

Here are my stair-steps kids!
Just before sparklers, with cousin Morgan in the pic.

We tried....
But we just didn't get that perfect group picture (again). I think the chances of a great shot go down monumentally once you have 4 or more children! Plus, it rained much of the day so there wasn't much of a chance for a good outside shot.
Taevy and Samren enjoyed a 3-d pic. I still do a double-take sometimes at how similar their profiles are. Such cute Asiain noses they have!Trampoline time with the cuz!I'm not sure why both of the girls have such sour looks on their faces!

These looks are much sweeter!

Taevy wanted me to get some jumping pics of her. She has such an athletic body! Just need to find a sport!We forgot bathing suits and had to make do. The suit was just a bit saggy on Taevy's bean pole body. Samren found a pair of unisex shorts to wear. The little ones rocked it out with just underwear. It's all in the family, so who cares?!

Samren was in top form for the 4th fun.
Bright was a bit tentative with the sparkler, but before long he acted like an old pro.
I LOVE these jumping pics of Bright! I plan to lighten them up a bit, crop the bottom one (with Kendi's head) and frame the three of them together. These show his true little Bright self!
Kendi and dad shared a quiet moment.
First sparkler. She had like 5 seconds of tentativeness before she took that thing and started waiving it everywhere. No fear!
It's just so rare that I get a non-posed non-fakey picture of Kendi. This is it! This is the real her. Yea!

I hope everybody had a great 4th of July. We were fairly rained out here in OK, but there were a few hours of no rain earlier in the day. We celebrated with our family in Stillwater. Fun was had by all. And of course, we ate way too much!


Laurel 10:31 PM  

Looks like FUN!

Love the pic of Taevy jumping ... with her mouth open wide. :)


Amy 11:02 PM  

Great photos- that last one of Kendi is glorious!
