Life Goes On
This has been sort of a rotten week where my work with adoption goes. Visas continue to go unissued. Children that should not still be waiting are still waiting, their dreams of a family dashed. My friends in Ghana finding it hard to believe in themselves and the work that they do because sometimes we Americans can be so ugly. Ugh. Just hard stuff. But as I review the week in pictures it hits me how fun the week has been for the kiddos (which brings me great joy).
Homeschool is going phenomenally well this year. Stupendous. Taevy and Samren are motivated to do their work; their work isn't too much or too little; and I'm finding time to get everything done on my end as well. We're using Time4Learning as our core and supplementing with other things. This week one of the T4L science assignments was to make a model of Saturn (learning about models). We didn't have the crafty items called for, so we modified the assignment to "Make a model of Saturn out of found items." This was Taevy's model. Isn't that smart? An old (rather dirty) fish bowl with several head bands. =-)
Ever since Taevy was about Kendi's age she has LOVED dressing alike. It's an interesting long-term interest of hers. Sometimes she dresses like me; sometimes she coordinates all four kids to dress in "school uniforms;" but the last 10 days or so it's been all about Taevy and Kendi dressing alike. We got down into the 60's at night and 80's during the day this week, so my kids have decided it must be fall and that they are cold!
Thank you to MARY for blessing us with the wonderful dolls from "around the world!" Mary thought our girls might enjoy these, but actually 3 of 4 kiddos were super excited when two huge boxes of dolls representing many parts of the world hit our doorstep on Friday! The children have picked out two each (the 3 that are interested in dolls) and have chosen some of the other ones to give as gifts to family/friends this Christmas. We plan to send some of the others to Ghana so that some little girls or boys there can have a special doll as well. What a wonderful gesture Mary. Taevy said specifically to please thank you for sending the Asian dolls. Thank you again!We are currently reading "The Courage of Sarah Noble" as part of our homeschool. The unit study we're doing with it suggests various activities you can do for enrichment, one of which was to "sleep outside with a blanket" (like Sarah Noble does when she is traveling with her father in 1706). It took them a couple of weeks to get up their courage and figure out sleeping arrangements, but they finally did it last night!
I went out at 1am to check on them and found 4 sleeping kiddos and 2 sleeping dogs (Kilo was outside to protect her babies, and Lucy slept in the dog crate with Samren. Notice Samren sleeping with "Sammy Bear." I love that my almost 9 year old still finds comfort in a cuddly bear. =-)
Taevy is looking rather "drunk" from Tampico and Goldfish crackers (their late night snack)!
I think Bright got the short end of the stick. Half his body was outside of his tent, but he was courageous and sucked it up. Of course, Kilo picked him to sleep by, since he was the least protected (she's a good dog that way).
How fun! Love the tents! I can't wait to start homeschooling...I just need some girls to homeschool! haha.
What fun! And so creative. My 13 year old son still brings his blue bear and blanket into bed often and other critters that might be nearby are present at times.
That looks like so much fun! That is definitely something they will always remember!!!
I love the tent photos and the whole Sarah Noble connection!! What fun! I am also very very sorry that things for Ghana are where they are...AHHH Africa...................I heard a songthe otehr day and I may not be quoting 100% accurately but the line wnet pretty close to "No heartache can touch me that doesn't first go through the Father's hands" and I had to acknowledge that as truth, even if I do not like it for a NUMBER of situations in our life or in the lives of those I love. Please Father, help us to stand strong for You no matter how rotten the situation looks and feels to our human-ness, no matter how wrong it seems to our human-ness but help us to know beyond all doubt that You are aware of all the details and love so much more than we can begin to fathom. Please DO move with Your hand on those who are holding up necessary, life-saving progress for these many children in Ghana AND in Liberia! Please do release these children to their waiting families and complete the work of getting them home ! Thak you for the work that Anita does and her heart for what she does: her heart, like Yours, for the children!
Looks like such a great week for the kids!
Thought of a question to ask yesterday.. Could you maybe do a post going into as much detail as you can about coping with your family and HIV+ adoption? Like how/when you told your parents and siblings, what their response was at first, how the conversations went, and how they evolved over time..
I know you covered the initial stuff, but it would be nice to have a whole post about it and how opinions have changed since. How do you "break the news" to new people you meet, such as a new church or play group etc or do you choose not to?
I've been thinking a lot about HIV adoption since Samson,and had some vague conversations with my mother that did not go well..
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