Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Who do we have here?

Looks like a teenie weenie daschund puppy to me.
A very cute daschund puppy. A miniature, for sure.

She looks TINY between those other two dogs!

She looks cuddly resting by the daddy.
She was feeling smoochy here.

She felt totally cool here--wearing Webkinz clothes!
But really, when you're so very cold because you've never been inside before and it's been SUPER hot since you were born, it's child-to-the-bone sort of cold. When you're that cold skin-to-skin contact really does work best. The neck of the mommy's shirt will work just fine.
Meet Lucy (or Lu-Lu)! Lucy was a present from my awesome husband Eric. He knew that there would be no replacing Jake, but that having Lucy around would keep my mind off of him some. He was right! Lucy joined us last night.
Lucy is 7 weeks old tomorrow. She is Miniature Daschund, currently weighing in at about 3 pounds. Size comparison? Hmm...Lucy is almost the exact same size as a guinea pig (but she's not as thick). She's a red doxi with dark highlights.
It's funny/weird having a healthy puppy after our Jake experience. The new puppy cried today and everybody ran over there assuming she was having a seizure. The kids continue to be amazed that Lucy can do such awesome things as walk without falling over, and run, and even chaise them! They are even surprised by her poop--that it's normal instead of runny. The puppy is normal in every way, which feels completely abnormal to my children! LOL!
I'm very blessed to have a husband who can provide for all of our needs, but also can give his family gifts like Lucy. The children and I think she is just the cutest little thing. Eric could care less about pets, but he sure loves US!


The Last Crusade 9:26 PM  

What a sweet hubby! And that puppy is just SO cute!

Amy 9:26 PM  

Awwww! Lucy is cute as a button! Enjoy! :)

Heather 9:43 PM  

Lucy is a cutie, but I'm really diggin the shirt you're wearing! And Eric. . . precious man! He's a keeper.

Felicia 10:13 PM  

What a great gift. I do wonder if your DH isn't just a little into the pets, he is sure cuddling with the new baby.

Unknown 10:52 PM  

I love red doxies! I used to have two of them -- one standard and one mini. They were the funniest, most entertaining dogs I've ever had.

Cindy 11:47 PM  

She is adorable!

mommajeane 6:41 AM  

I thought the same as Felicia..He seems quite attached to her there. I love your husband's heart for his family. What a cute puppy. We had a black mini and she was so loved and lived until she was 16. We had 4 labs along with her and guess who ruled ? Our Abbie- the mini.

Nora 10:28 AM  

Your puppy is just darling. What a thoughtful husband!

Please don't take this the wrong way, and I'm sure this is something that you have already considered, but you may want to keep a very close eye on Lucy's interaction with your other pups. Your story about Jake really hit home for me, because a similar tragic incident recently happened with some family friends.

Enjoy your new little girl!

frogglet 11:15 AM  

still so sorry about Jake. Lucy is adorable! I am so happy your family can take joy in this new little puppy.

Robin Dodd Photography 2:50 PM  

awwww.. Thanks ERIC! What a cutie. Both of them!