Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The No Camera Post

This is what happens when I don't have a camera so I can show you cute pictures. I blab about absolute nothingness! If BB doesn't get my camera back to me before I leave for Ghana I am going to have to open a can on them! [Mine broke while under their warranty. Took it to them. They replaced it with new camera. New camera was defective. Took it to them. They sent the "new" camera to be "repaired"--three weeks ago! I am going into camera withdrawal!]

Got some things checked off the "before I leave" to do list today! Chopped off the 'ol hair so it won't be hangin' on my neck in Ghana. Feels SO much better. Next on the list--color!

I also went to the doc to get malaria and motion sickness medicine and my 3-month Fibromyalgia checkup. I've never tried the behind-the-ear patches for motion sickness before but I'm told they are MUCH better than Dramamine. Can anybody confirm? Was happy to see that my weight hasn't gone up in the last three months. Three pounds down, actually! I'll take it! I took all four kids with me to the doc today, which is always interesting. The rooms are TINY and my doc takes like an hour to come in the room AFTER we are waiting in the little room. Fun. During naptime too! You can imagine my delight when my doc walked in and was surprised to see us all there. She said, "Usually I can tell if there are even one or two kids waiting because they are throwing fits or being loud. I didn't hear ANYTHING and I was right next door." Yes, ma'am! Proud mommy moment. [Actually, I just lucked into a game where I had them all close their eyes and go on "vacations" in their imagination. We went to Vietnam, Ghana (tropical), Ghana (the beach), the mall, an airplane, Togo, the Apple Store, and LegoLand! This game captivated them for 2 rounds and then, luckily, the doc walked in!]

This is a bit personal, but have any of you ever been professionally fitted for a bra? I hadn't, before yesterday. There are certain discussions about a certain reduction going on. First step, says the doctor, is to get the right size bra. Regular stores only go to a certain size (42DD) and after that you just stuff 'em in there however you have to! I visited "The Bust Stop" yesterday. I expected to be humiliated, but it was actually quite dignified. [It helps that the lady who measured me was bigger than me!] Let's just say... sixth or seventh letter of the alphabet. Dang! It's true what they say--once you get the right size bra it makes all the difference. I feel much "lighter" now that I went up in size. Weird but true!

Hmm.... what else to add to this word vomit post?

Picked up some books for Ghana today. I am such a book hound, I would fill my suitcases with books alone if I could. So exciting to search out books that will specifically assist the kids who will be adopted. "First words" and "manners" and a book all about how daddies like their kids to act! Of course, flash cards. I know these things are donated all the time, but the don't last long, so they need to be refreshed often!

I'm starting to get a bit worried about how Eric will do with the regulatory parenting stuff while I'm gone. Let's just say his "window of tolerance" isn't quite as big as mine yet. He is supporting of our new philosophy, but he hasn't had the training I've had. The goal in this is that the kids come to mom and dad for stress support when they need it (rather than exploding into a bad behavior). Right now, exhaustingly, they all come to me. Dad is in the sidelines. We're trying to gently push them over to dad when they come to us all stressed out! [Please note, my hubby is a TOTALLY cuddly and affectionate guy and nobody is scared to go to him! It's just with this new stuff that they are coming ONLY to me for stress maintenance, not dad (yet)!]

I keep fiddling around with names for the reg. parenting blog. Something with "grace" in it, but lots of things are already taken! Essentially, we are parenting with grace, just like Jesus parents us all.

Checking out for tonight! Love to all!


liruco 10:04 PM  

I switched to the behind the ear patches for motion sickness just after we brought our daughter home. I realized I could no longer take dramamine on the plane because it puts me to sleep. Not that great with a toddler in tow.

I really love using the patches. They do not make me groggy and curb my urge to puke on planes, boats and busses. About the only side effect I have noticed is that they make my mouth dry. You do have to remember to put them on about 4 hours before your flight, and they sometimes can come off in the shower.

On my latest trip to Guatemala, I kept the patches on the whole time (8 days) because of all of the rough driving we were doing in the highlands. They worked great.

Good luck on your trip.

A. Gillispie 10:15 PM  

Thanks! My main worry is all of the sweat that the patch will have to endure. My doc was telling me to just "put it on when you are dry after a shower" and I thought, "What? Dry? In Ghana?" Those two things don't go together! Hope they work, but I will be taking the pills along as backup!

Heather 9:23 PM  

I love word vomit posts!