Saturday, July 29, 2006

Crisis Pregnancy Outreach

Remember, this is the agency that we brought to our attention several times when we were considering domestic adoption (for that whole one week). The agency director just called me to meet me over the phone. Before I could tell her our good news she went on about how wonderful our family seemed and how we were the "perfect and ideal" family to work with them--"the type of family we pray for."

I'd be lying if I didn't feel a little twinge of "something" (sadness???) when she said that. I was worried that they wouldn't work with us, and didn't know how we would come across on our application and such. Just kind of weird to know that if we would have been called to adopt from them they would have ended up welcoming us with open arms. But to the point of this email...

Remember how I said that I didn't know if we were to adopt from there, but I was sure there was a purpose to us finding out about them? She was so receptive to the idea of me volunteering for them--driving birth mothers to appointments, becoming a "mentor" to them, or even housing a birthmom until her baby was born. It's neat that the Lord used our search for a baby to provide me with a new outlet for ministry.

He's so good in so many more ways that we ever realize....

P.S. She sounded genuinely happy for us about Caynan Emmanuel and we talked about African adoptions and people she knew who were adopting from there at length. Great woman.